BWGD '25

Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing

March 2-7, 2025

University Residential Center

Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena), Italy

Graph Drawing is concerned with the geometric representation of graphs and networks and is motivated by those applications where it is crucial to visualize structural information as graphs. Since graph drawing methods form the algorithmic core of network visualization, bridging the gap between theoretical advances and implemented solutions is an important aspect. 

The idea of this workshop is to have an informal meeting with a few selected people and work together on both identifying new research directions and on studying some of the questions that may arise. There may be space for presentations but the emphasis will be on working together "pencil-and-paper". Possible outcomes are a new collection of open problems as well as some original research papers.

Important Dates

Since we plan to start working on March 3, the arrival date for the participants is scheduled for March 2 and the departure date will be March 7, after lunch.

Participants that plan to arrive before/after March 2 and/or to leave after March 7 should contact the local organizer Roberta Partisani (

Organizing Committee
