List of some publications started or pushed forward on past editions of the Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing.
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2024)
Michael A. Bekos, Carla Binucci, Emilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, Luca Grilli, Maria Eleni Pavlidi, Alessandra Tappini and Alexandra Weinberger: Defective Linear Layouts of Graphs. EuroCG 2025
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2023)
Sabine Cornelsen, Giordano Da Lozzo, Luca Grilli, Siddharth Gupta, Jan KratochvĂl, Alexander Wolff: The Parametrized Complexity of the Segment Number. Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2023)Â
Carla Binucci, Henry Förster, Julia Katheder, Alessandra Tappini: Evaluating Animation Parameters for Morphing Edge Drawings. Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2023)
Alexander Dobler, Stephen Kobourov, William Lenhart, Tamara Mchedlidze, Martin Nöllenburg and Antonios Symvonis: Representing Hypergraphs by Point-Line Incidences. EuroCG 2024
Patrizio Angelini, Carla Binucci, Giuseppe Di Battista, Emilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, Fabrizio Grosso, Giacomo Ortali and Ioannis G. Tollis: Unit Edge-Length Rectilinear Drawings with Crossings and Rectangular Faces. EuroCG 2025
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2022)
Carla Binucci, Emilio Di Giacomo, William J. Lenhart, Giuseppe Liotta, Fabrizio Montecchiani, Martin Nöllenburg, Antonios Symvonis: On the complexity of the storyplan problem. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 139: 103466 (2024)Â
Giuseppe Di Battista, Walter Didimo, Luca Grilli, Fabrizio Grosso, Giacomo Ortali, Maurizio Patrignani, Alessandra Tappini, Small Point-Sets Supporting Graph Stories.  J. Graph Algorithms Appl. 27(8): 651-677 (2023)Â
Martin Balko, Steven Chaplick, Robert Ganian, Siddharth Gupta, Michael Hoffmann, Pavel Valtr, Alexander Wolff: Bounding and Computing Obstacle Numbers of Graphs. ESA 2022.
Martin Balko, Steven Chaplick, Robert Ganian, Siddharth Gupta, Michael Hoffmann, Pavel Valtr, Alexander Wolff: Bounding and Computing Obstacle Numbers of Graphs. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 38(2): 1537-1565 (2024).
Michael A. Bekos, Stefan Felsner, Philipp Kindermann, Stephen G. Kobourov, Jan KratochvĂl, Ignaz Rutter, The Rique-Number of Graphs. Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2022)Â
Giuseppe Di Battista, Walter Didimo, Luca Grilli, Fabrizio Grosso, Giacomo Ortali, Maurizio Patrignani, Alessandra Tappini, Â Small Point-Sets Supporting Graph Stories. Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2022)
Carla Binucci, Emilio Di Giacomo, William J. Lenhart, Giuseppe Liotta, Fabrizio Montecchiani, Martin Nöllenburg, Antonios Sympvonis. On the Complexity of the Storyplan Problem. Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2022)
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2019)
Michael Bekos, Carla Binucci, Giuseppe Di Battista, Walter Didimo, Martin Gronemann, Karsten Klein, Maurizio Patrignani, Ignaz Rutter On Turn-Regular Orthogonal Representations Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2020)
Michael Bekos, Carla Binucci, Giuseppe Di Battista, Walter Didimo, Martin Gronemann, Karsten Klein, Maurizio Patrignani, Ignaz Rutter On Turn-Regular Orthogonal Representations Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 26(3): 285-306, 2022
Markus Chimani, Philipp Kindermann, Fabrizio Montecchiani, Pavel Valtr Crossing Numbers of Beyond-Planar Graphs Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2019)
Markus Chimani, Philipp Kindermann, Fabrizio Montecchiani, Pavel Valtr Crossing Numbers of Beyond-Planar Graphs Theor. Comput. Sci. 898: 44-49 (2022)
Felice De Luca, Emilio Di Giacomo, Seok-Hee Hong, Stephen Kobourov, William Lenhart, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer, Alessandra Tappini and Steve Wismath Packing Trees into 1-planar Graphs WALCOM 2020
Felice De Luca, Emilio Di Giacomo, Seok-Hee Hong, Stephen G. Kobourov, William Lenhart, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer, Alessandra Tappini, Stephen K. Wismath: Packing Trees into 1-planar Graphs. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 25(2): 605-624 (2021)Â
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2018)
Carla Binucci, Giordano Da Lozzo, Emilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, Maurizio Patrignani, Tamara Mchedlidze Upward Book Embeddings of st-Graphs: Complexity and Algorithms. Algorithmica 85(12): 3521-3571 (2023)Â
Patrizio Angelini, Peter Eades, Seok-Hee Hong, Karsten Klein, Stephen G. Kobourov, Giuseppe Liotta, Alfredo Navarra, Alessandra Tappini: Graph Planarity by Replacing Cliques with Paths. Algorithms 13(8): 194 (2020)Â
Patrizio Angelini, Peter Eades, Seok-hee Hong, Karsten Klein, Stephen Kobourov, Giuseppe Liotta, Alfredo Navarra, Alessandra Tappini: Turning Cliques into Paths to Achieve Planarity. Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2018)
Carla Binucci, Giordano Da Lozzo, Emilio Di Giacomo, Walter Didimo, Maurizio Patrignani, Tamara Mchedlidze Upward Book Embeddings of st-Graphs Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2019)
Stefan Felsner: 4-Connected triangulations on few lines, J. Comput. Geom. 11(1): 476-492 (2020)
Stefan Felsner: 4-Connected triangulations on few lines, Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2019)
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2017)
Steven Chaplick, Markus Chimani, Sabine Cornelsen, Giordano Da Lozzo, Martin Noellenburg, Maurizio Patrignani, Ioannis G. Tollis and Alexander Wolff Planar L-Drawings of Directed Graphs Computing in Geometry and Topology, 2(1), 7:1–7:15.Â
Steven Chaplick, Markus Chimani, Sabine Cornelsen, Giordano Da Lozzo, Martin Noellenburg, Maurizio Patrignani, Ioannis G. Tollis and Alexander Wolff Planar L-Drawings of Directed Graphs Graph Drawing and Network Visualization 2017 (GD 2017)
Michael Kaufmann, Jan Kratochvil, Fabian Lipp, Fabrizio Montecchiani, Chrysanthi Raftopoulou, Pavel Valtr Bounded stub resolution for some maximal 1-planar graphs CALDAM 2018
Patrizio Angelini, Michael A. Bekos, Walter Didimo, Luca Grilli, Philipp Kindermann, Tamara Mchedlidze, Roman Prutkin, Antonios Symvonis, Alessandra Tappini. Greedy Rectilinear Drawings Theor. Comput. Sci. 795: 375-397, 2019
Patrizio Angelini, Michael A. Bekos, Walter Didimo, Luca Grilli, Philipp Kindermann, Tamara Mchedlidze, Roman Prutkin, Antonios Symvonis, Alessandra Tappini. Greedy Rectilinear Drawings Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2018)
Therese C. Biedl, Stefan Felsner, Henk Meijer, Alexander Wolff: Line and Plane Cover Numbers Revisited, Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2019)
William S. Evans, Stefan Felsner, Linda Kleist, Stephen G. Kobourov: On Area-Universal Quadrangulations, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 25(1): 171-193 (2021)
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2016)
Patrizio Angelini, Steven Chaplick, Sabine Cornelsen, Giordano Da Lozzo , Giuseppe Di Battista, Peter Eades, Philipp Kindermann, Jan KratochviÂl, Fabian Lipp, Ignaz Rutter Simultaneous Orthogonal Planarity Graph Drawing and Network Visualization 2016 (GD 2016): 532-545
Alessio Arleo, Carla Binucci, Emilio Di Giacomo, William S. Evans, Luca Grilli, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer, Fabrizio Montecchiani, Sue Whitesides, Stephen K. Wismath Visibility Representations of Boxes in 2.5 Dimensions Graph Drawing and Network Visualization 2016 (GD 2016): 251-265
Alessio Arleo, Carla Binucci, Emilio Di Giacomo,, William S. Evans, Luca Grilli, Giuseppe Liotta, Henk Meijer, Fabrizio Montecchiani, Sue Whitesides, Stephen Wismath, Visibility Representations of Boxes in 2.5 Dimensions, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 72: 19-33, 2018
Michael A. Bekos, Felice De Luca, Walter Didimo, Tamara Mchedlidze, Martin Noellenburg, Antonios Symvonis, Ioannis G. Tollis Planar Drawings of Fixed-Mobile Bigraphs Theor. Comput. Sci. 795: 408-419, 2019
Michael A. Bekos, Felice De Luca, Walter Didimo, Tamara Mchedlidze, Martin Noellenburg, Antonios Symvonis, Ioannis G. Tollis Planar Drawings of Fixed-Mobile Bigraphs Graph Drawing and Network Visualization 2017 (GD 2017)
Markus Chimani, Stefan Felsner, Stephen Kobourov, Torsten Ueckerdt, Pavel Valtr, and Alexander Wolff On the Maximum Crossing Number IWOCA 2017, LNCS 10765
Markus Chimani, Stefan Felsner, Stephen Kobourov, Torsten Ueckerdt, Pavel Valtr, and Alexander Wolff On the Maximum Crossing Number Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 22(1): 67-87, 2018
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2015)
C. Binucci, M. Chimani, W. Didimo, M. Gronemann, K. Klein, J. Kratochvil, F. Montecchiani, I. G. Tollis 2-Layer Fan-Planarity: from Caterpillar to Stegosaurus Graph Drawing and Network Visualization 2015 (GD 2015): 281-294
C. Binucci, M. Chimani, W. Didimo, M. Gronemann, K. Klein, J. KratochviÂl, F. Montecchiani, and I. G. Tollis Algorithms and Characterizations for 2-Layer Fan-planarity: From Caterpillar to Stegosaurus Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 21(1): 81-102, 2017
W. Evans, G. Liotta, H. Meijer, S. Wismath Alternating Paths and Cycles of Minimum Length Graph Drawing and Network Visualization 2015 (GD 2015): 383-394
W. Evans, G. Liotta, H. Meijer, S. Wismath Alternating Paths and Cycles of Minimum Length Comput. Geom. 58: 124-135 (2016)
P. Angelini, G. Da Lozzo, G. Di Battista, V. Di Donato, P. Kindermann, G. Rote, I. Rutter Windrose Planarity: Embedding Graphs with Direction-Constrained Edges ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2016): 985-996
P. Angelini, G. Da Lozzo, G. Di Battista, V. Di Donato, P. Kindermann, G. Rote, I. Rutter Windrose Planarity: Embedding Graphs with Direction-Constrained Edges ACM Trans. Algorithms 14(4): 54:1-54:24 (2018)
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2014)
C. Binucci, E. Di Giacomo, W. Didimo, F. Montecchiani, M. Patrignani, I. G. Tollis Fan-Planar Graphs: Combinatorial Properties and Complexity Results Graph Drawing 2014 (GD 2014): 186-197
C. Binucci, E. Di Giacomo, W. Didimo, F. Montecchiani, M. Patrignani, A. Symvonis, I. G. Tollis Fan-Planarity: Properties and Complexity Theoretical Computer Science, 589: 76-86, 2015
M. A. Bekos, S. Cornelsen, L. Grilli, S.-H. Hong, M. Kaufmann On the Recognition of Fan-Planar and Maximal Outer-Fan-Planar Graphs Graph Drawing 2014 (GD 2014): 198-209
M. A. Bekos, S. Cornelsen, L. Grilli, S.-H. Hong, M. Kaufmann On the Recognition of Fan-Planar and Maximal Outer-Fan-Planar Graphs Algorithmica 79(2): 401-427 (2017)
Md. J. Alam, T. Blaesius, I. Rutter, T. Ueckerdt, A. Wolff Pixel and Voxel Representations of Graphs Graph Drawing and Network Visualization 2015 (GD 2015): 472-486
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2013)
P. Angelini, C. Binucci, G. Da Lozzo, W. Didimo, L. Grilli, F. Montecchiani, M. Patrignani, I. G. Tollis Drawing Non-Planar Graphs with Crossing-Free Subgraphs. Graph Drawing 2013 (GD 2013): 292-303
P. Angelini, C. Binucci, G. Da Lozzo, W. Didimo, L. Grilli, F. Montecchiani, M. Patrignani, I. G. Tollis Algorithms and Bounds for Drawing Non-planar Graphs with Crossing-free Subgraphs. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 50: 34-48, 2015
M. A. Bekos, S. Cornelsen, M. Fink, S.-H. Hong, M. Kaufmann, M. Noellenburg, I. Rutter, A. Symvonis Many-to-One Boundary Labeling with Backbones. Graph Drawing 2013 (GD 2013): 244-255
W. Evans, S. Felsner, S. G. Kobourov, and T. Ueckerdt Graphs Admitting D-Realizers: tree-decompositions and box-representations.30th European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG'14), 2014
M. A. Bekos, S. Cornelsen, M. Fink, S.-H. Hong, M. Kaufmann, M. Noellenburg, I. Rutter, A. Symvonis Many-to-One Boundary Labeling with Backbones. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 19(3): 779-816, 2015
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2012)
P. Angelini, C. Binucci, W. Evans, F. Hurtado, G. Liotta, T. Mchedlidze, H. Meijer, Y. Okamoto Universal Point Subsets for Planar Graphs. Proc. of the International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2012)
T. Bruckdorfer, S. Cornelsen, C. Gutwenger, M. Kaufmann, F. Montecchiani, M. Noellenburg, A. Wolff Progress on Partial Edge Drawings.Graph Drawing (GD 2012)
S. G. Kobourov, T. Ueckerdt and K. Verbeek Combinatorial and Geometric Properties of Planar Laman Graphs. ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2013)
L. Grilli, S.-H. Hong, J. Kratochvil, I. Rutter Drawing Simultaneously Embedded Graphs with Few Bends. Graph Drawing (GD 2014): 40-51
L. Grilli, S.-H. Hong, J. Kratochvil, I. Rutter Drawing Simultaneously Embedded Graphs with Few Bends. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 34, No. 07, pp. 807-824 (2023)
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2011)
E. Di Giacomo, F. Frati, R. Fulek, L. Grilli, M. Krug Orthogeodesic Point-set Embedding of Trees. Proc. of the 19th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD '11), volume 7034 of Lecture Notes Comput. Sci., pp. 52-63.
E. Di Giacomo, F. Frati, R. Fulek, L. Grilli, M. Krug Orthogeodesic Point-set Embedding of Trees. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 46(8): 929-944, 2013.
P. Angelini, W. Didimo, S. Kobourov, T. Mchedlidze, V. Roselli, A. Symvonis, S. Wismath Monotone Drawings of Graphs with Fixed Embedding. Proc. of the 19th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD '11), volume 7034 of Lecture Notes Comput. Sci., pp. 379-390.
W. Evans, E. Gansner, M. Kaufmann, G. Liotta, H. Meijer, A. Spillner Approximate Proximity Drawings. Proc. of the 19th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD '11), volume 7034 of Lecture Notes Comput. Sci., pp. 166-178.
W. Evans, E. Gansner, M. Kaufmann, G. Liotta, H. Meijer, A. Spillner Approximate Proximity Drawings. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 46(6): 604-614, 2013
P. Angelini, W. Didimo, S. Kobourov, T. Mchedlidze, V. Roselli, A. Symvonis, S. Wismath Monotone Drawings of Graphs with Fixed Embedding. Algorithmica 71(2): 233-257, 2015
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2010)
P. Angelini, G. Di Battista, W. Didimo, F. Frati, S.-H. Hong, M. Kaufmann, G. Liotta, A. Lubiw. RAC and LAC drawings of planar graphs in subquadratic area. In 14th Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry (EGC '11), Centre de Recerca Matematica, volume 8 of Documents, pp. 125-128, 2011.
P. Angelini, G. Di Battista, W. Didimo, F. Frati, S.-H. Hong, M. Kaufmann, G. Liotta, A. Lubiw. Large angle crossing drawings of planar graphs in subquadratic area In A. Marquez, P. Ramos, and J. Urrutia, editors, Special Festschrift volume, volume 7579 of LNCS, pages 200-209, 2012.
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2009)
P. Angelini, L. Cittadini, G. Di Battista, W. Didimo, F. Frati, M. Kaufmann, A. Symvonis. On the Perspectives Opened by Right Angle Crossing Drawings. Proc. of the 17th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD '09), volume 5849 of Lecture Notes Comput. Sci.
P. Angelini, G. Di Battista, F. Frati, V. Jelinek, J. Kratochvil, M. Patrignani, I. Rutter. Testing Planarity of Partially Embedded Graphs. In Symposium On Discrete Algorithms (SODA '10), ACM-SIAM, 2010
P. Angelini, L. Cittadini, G. Di Battista, W. Didimo, F. Frati, M. Kaufmann, A. Symvonis. On the Perspectives Opened by Right Angle Crossing Drawings. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications (spec. issue on GD'09), volume 15, number 1, pp.53-78, 2011.
A. Das, E. R. Gansner, M. Kaufmann, S. G. Kobourov, J. Spoerhase, A. Wolff Approximating Minimum Manhattan Networks in Higher Dimensions. Proc. ESA'11, volume 6942 of Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., pp.49-60, 2011.
A. Das, E. R. Gansner, M. Kaufmann, S. G. Kobourov, J. Spoerhase, A. Wolff Approximating Minimum Manhattan Networks in Higher Dimensions. Algorithmica 71(1): 36-52, 2015
P. Angelini, G. Di Battista, F. Frati, V. Jelinek, J. Kratochvil, M. Patrignani, I. Rutter. Testing Planarity of Partially Embedded Graphs. ACM Trans. on Algorithms, 11(4): 32, 2015
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing: Visualization of Large Graphs (BWGVLG - 2008)
M. Kaufmann, M. van Kreveld, B. Speckmann Subdivision Drawings of Hypergraphs. Proc. of the 16th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD '08), Lecture Notes Comput. Sci.
L. Grilli, S. Hong, G. Liotta, H. Meijer, S. Wismath Matched Drawability of Graph Pairs and of Graph Triples. In Proc. of WALCOM 2009.
L. Grilli, S. Hong, G. Liotta, H. Meijer, S. Wismath Matched Drawability of Graph Pairs and of Graph Triples. Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 43 (6-7), pp. 611-634, 2010.
C. Binucci, U. Brandes, G. Di Battista, W. Didimo, M. Gaertler, P. Palladino, M. Patrignani, A. Symvonis, K. Zweig Drawing Trees in a Streaming Model. Proc. of the 17th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD '09), volume 5849 of Lecture Notes Comput. Sci.
C. Binucci, U. Brandes, G. Di Battista, W. Didimo, M. Gaertler, P. Palladino, M. Patrignani, A. Symvonis, K. Zweig Drawing Trees in a Streaming Model. Information Processing Letters, 112(11): 418-422, 2012.
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing and Computational Geometry (BWGDCG - 2007)
M. Kaufmann Polynomial Area Bounds for MST Embeddings of Trees. Proc. of the 15th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD '07), Lecture Notes Comput. Sci., pages 88-100, 2007.
X. Goaoc, J. Kratochvil, Y. Okamoto, C. Shin, A. Wolff Moving Vertices to Make Drawings Plane. Proc. of the 15th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD '07), Lecture Notes Comput. Sci., pages 101-112, 2007.
H. Everett, S. Lazard, G. Liotta, S. Wismath Universal Sets of n Points for 1-bend Drawings of Planar Graphs with n Vertices. Proc. of the 15th International Symposium on Graph Drawing (GD '07), Lecture Notes Comput. Sci., pages 345-351, 2007.
M. Badent, C. Binucci, E. Di Giacomo, W. Didimo, S. Felsner, F. Giordano, J. Kratochvil, P. Palladino, M. Patrignani, F. Trotta. Homothetic Triangle Contact Representations of Planar Graphs. Proc. of the 19th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry (CCCG 2007), pages 233-236, 2007.
H. Everett, S. Lazard, G. Liotta, S. Wismath Universal Sets of n Points for One-bend Drawings of Planar Graphs with n Vertices. Discrete and Computational Geometry, 43 (2), pp. 272-288, 2010.
Fabrizio Frati, Michael Kaufmann. Polynomial area bounds for MST embeddings of trees. Computational Geometry, Volume 44, Issue 9, pp. 529-543, 2011.
Bertinoro Workshop on Graph Drawing (BWGD - 2006)
U. Brandes, C. Erten, J. Fowler, F. Frati, M. Geyer, C. Gutwenger, S. Hong, M. Kaufmann, S. Kobourov, G. Liotta, P. Mutzel, A. Symvonis. Colored Simultaneous Geometric Embeddings. In 13th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON '07), Springer-Verlag, volume 4598 of Lecture Notes Comput. Sci., pages 254-263, 2007
P. F. Cortese, G. Di Battista, F. Frati, L. Grilli, K. Anna Lehmann, G. Liotta, M. Patrignani, I. Tollis, F. Trotta. On the Topologies of Local Minimum Spanning Trees. In 3rd Workshop on Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of the Networks (CAAN '06), Springer-Verlag, volume 4235 of Lecture Notes Comput. Sci., pages 31-44, 2006.
C. Binucci, E. Di Giacomo, W. Didimo, A. Tariq Rextin. Switch-regular Upward Planar Embeddings of Trees. In Workshop on Algorithms and Computation (WALCOM '10), Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes Comput. Sci., vol. 5942, pp.58-69.
C. Binucci, E. Di Giacomo, W. Didimo, A. Tariq Rextin. Switch-Regular Upward Planarity Testing of Directed Trees. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 15(5): 587-629, 2011
W. Didimo Switch-regular Upward Planar Drawings with Low-Degree Faces. European Workshop on Computational Geometry (EuroCG 2011)